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Challenge yourself to read in 2019

New year new me! It’s the time of year people everywhere make resolutions to be improve upon the previous year. Some of the more popular resolutions are fitness, financial high ground, and self care. One resolution I personally think should be on everyone’s list is reading more and reading more diversely.

The benefits of reading are endless. Here’s a few of them:

  • Expand your vocabulary and reading comprehension
  • Relax and unwind
  • Time away from screens
  • Look though a different lens than your own

One way to help you reach your 2019 resolution reading goals is to complete a reading challenge, or a few. There are some over achievers and ambitious readers out there who will complete multiple reading challenges this year. My hats off to those that do. Reading challenges are a great way to get you reading books you normally wouldn’t and broadening your world view. Remember that audiobooks count too!

2019 Reading Challenges

1. Popsugar Reading Challenge

This is my favorite reading challenge and the one I am participating in for sure this year. It gives you prompts that are specific enough to get you thinking about your book choices, yet simple enough to give you some room for interpretation. The list includes 40 prompts and 10 advanced prompts. There is also a great group on Goodreads where readers discuss book choices, reading logs, and many more helpful things.

2. Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge

There are 10 reading prompts on this challenge that will guide you through 13 books. The prompts are similar to those on the Popsugar list, but less specific. You can truly chose books from your TBR list that are sure to fit into this challenge

3. Year of Epic Reads

The popular site for YA readers is getting into the reading challenge game this year. You can chose to read quarterly, monthly, or weekly. For prompts you can join the Facebook group and discussion with other challenge participants. There is also a weekly newsletter as well as all their other social medias to follow for more challenge fun.

4. Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge

Book Riot is another popular reading site and this challenge has been going on yearly since 2015. It includes 24 reading tasks that are geared toward getting you to read books from different perspectives and outside your comfort zone. There is also a Goodreads group for this challenge you can join to chat with other participants, share your amazing book finds and get help with reading prompt suggestions.

5. Professional Book Nerds Reading Challenge

New to the reading challenge list, Overdrive has created a list of 12 tasks for the year. Once the tasks are completed participants can fill out a form or submit a screenshot to be entered to win a device from Overdrive. The prompts are similar to the other challenges, but the chance to win a device adds an extra intensive. This challenge even has a podcast you can listen to for commentary and suggestions.

6. Goodreads Reading Challenge

Last, but certainly not least, is the Goodreads yearly reading challenge. This one is different. You don’t get prompts or tasks, you simply set your own personal goal for the number of books you want to read in the year and then make sure you keep track of your books completed on the site. One tip is to make sure you enter the dates you start and finish a book or it won’t count toward your total. If you keep up with all the books you read on Goodreads you can see your totals for every year.

There are countless reading challenges you can choose from to tackle that TBR list in a fun new way and stay on track with your new year resolution to read more. If you want more to chose from head over to girlxoxo.com and check out The Master List of 2019 Reading Challenges and take your pick. Which challenge are you joining this year?

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